We’re excited to share our collaborative blog with Chatterbox Pediatric Therapy!


When it comes to basic first aid for kids, there are typically two types of caregiver responders:

The Overprepared, who seem to have first aid in their genes and a medicine cabinet the size of the giant Idaho potato, and The Minimalists, who may* be able to scare up a bandage and an expired tube of triple antibiotic ointment from a hidden corner of the bathroom vanity.

The truth is, most of us fit somewhere in between and our pediatricians at Thrive Pediatrics and therapists at Chatterbox are here to help with a summer first aid crash course!


Here are a handful of the most common summer injuries that we see:

The Injury: Scraped knee/elbow/heel/wrist, most likely from an incident on a bike, roller skates, scooter or playground.

The Treatment: Clean the wound well.  Use mild soap and water and be gentle as it can be painful to wash.  Let it dry and apply topical antibiotic like Neosporin and a bandage. Replace the ointment and bandage daily. If skin color becomes white and appears moist then let the wound dry without a bandage.

Bumps and Bruises

The Injury: A bump or bruise without abrasion from a trip or bump on playground equipment.

The Treatment: Ice this injury and consider ibuprofen to reduce pain and inflammation.

Bites and Stings

The Injury: Bug bite or sting

The Treatment: Remove stinger if you can see one and wash well. Apply ice to help with pain the area and consider liquid Benadryl to help with the itch and swelling.


The Injury: Sunburn from too much fun in the sun and not enough sun protection.

The Treatment: Allow the skin to cool down. Start with a bath or shower of comfortable temperature of water (not too hot nor too cold).  Then apply aloe vera ointment/lotion to the skin to help soothe.

Joint Pains

The Injury: Persisting hip, knee or ankle aches and pains

The Treatment: First, rule out a break or other serious condition with your primary care provider. The team at Thrive Pediatrics are trained to recognize injuries that need specialty care and appropriate management.  Second, recognize that increased activity from increasing outdoor play can bring on aches and pains in children- especially hip, knee, and ankle pain- particularly after COVID ‘hibernation.’ Has your child played or practiced one or two sports since a young age? This kind of sports specialization can also bring about overuse injury, causing aches and pains.

How We Can Help

Chatterbox physical therapists are trained in assessment, treatment, and management of acute and chronic pediatric orthopedic conditions, including muscle and joint pain. Unlike adult physical therapy clinics, Chatterbox’s environment and equipment is tailored to children. Their therapists focus on pediatric growth and development, along with conditions that are unique to a growing child.

At Thrive Pediatrics, we have experienced pediatricians who care greatly for the children and families they serve. In addition to providing wellness and preventative care, we take care of our patients’ urgent and illness related issues. This means for all of your summer bumps, bites and bruises, we are here to help.

Schedule an appointment today!